You all remember well when I said I would try to write every single day for 60 days, right? I bring some news: it’s hard.

I had this idea: to take 4-5 hours a day to write a post and finish it within a week. Simple enough, right? I thought it so…

Initially, I build up a plan with all the subjects I’d like to cover! Good idea, but I had enough topics to write a book, not a blog post. It took me two weeks of writing and I couldn’t even get to half of it 😅.

As I further dedicate myself to the glorious art of writing (sarcasm 🙃), I discover how tricky it is as well. At least I can share my experience with you.

  1. 🟢 Planning
    • planning the subjects I should cover was a very good idea.
    • I kept focus between writing pauses.
    • I had a broader sense of the whole text.
  2. 🔴 Feasibility
    • elaborating the plan took me a whole day, but executing it would take me a whole month.
    • don’t make it perfect
    • planning too much is idealization.
  3. 🔵 Plan in steps
    • divide the text into simpler subposts.
    • focus on one subposts at a time.
    • the subposts have to be finished within a week.
    • split the plan and then split it again.
  4. 🔵 Planning should forsee my motivation.

    • having a blog is an endless task: I am the only one to set the limit.
    • On my last post, I was excited on the first week, but kind of lost the thrill on the second week because it felt endless. That’s why I believe that the plan for the next week should be done with this mindset: “where can I get by monday if I dedicate 3 hours everyday this week” instead of “I need to dedicate 3 hours per day to get this post done by the end of the week”. There is a big difference.
    • plan to yourself, not to the post
  5. 🟢 Routine

    • I don’t like routine a lot, but I confess it helped me with the last post. Every weekday now I wake up, make my bed, have breakfast, brush my teeth and take a shower before going to the computer. I’d like to add exercises and meditation to this as well, but more about this on the future. After this simple morning routine, I definitely feel like I can get more focus and get in the zone easier.
    • I do it whenever I can did not work. Now, I try to deal with this blog just like a job: from 9AM until 5PM with a 2 hour break. This really helps me stay motivated on the long run.
  6. 🔵 Weekends

    Relaxing is unstructured whereas focusing is planed, Cal Newport

    • The quote is from the Deep Work book. I am going to try to do work on the site next weekend.
    • structure the weekend and the pauses too.

I feel like I learned a lot with the previous experience. There are still other things to be considered and enhancements to be made, but I am content with how things are going for now. Soon this might start to get some traction.